dinsdag, april 01, 2008

Tanzt alle mit!

Ik kan vanoavond niet. Doarum moar 'n mooi plaatjen veur den jeurigen buul...


Come let us prepare,

We Brothers that are

Assembled on merry occasion;

Let's drink, laugh and sing:

Our wine has a Spring:

Here's health to an Accepted Mason,

The world is in pain

Our secrets to gain,

And still let them wonder and gaze on;

They ne'er can divine

The Word or the Sign

Of a Free and an Accepted Mason.

'Tis this, and 'tis that.

They cannot tell what,

Why so many Great Men of the Nation

Should aprons put on,

To make themselves one

With a Free and an Accepted Mason.

Great Kings, Dukes and Lords,

Have laid by their swords,

Our myst'ry to put a good Grace on:

And ne'er been ashamed

To hear themselves named

With a Free and an Accepted Mason.

Antiquity's pride

We have on our side,

And it maketh men just in their station

There's nought but what's good

To be understood

By a Free and an Accepted Mason.

We're true and sincere,

And just to the Fair:

They'll trust us on any occasion:

No mortal can more

The Ladies adore

Than a Free and an Accepted Mason.

Then join Hand in Hand,

To each other firm stand;

Lets be merry, and put a bright face on:

What mortal can boast

So Noble a Toast

As a Free and an Accepted Mason.
(komt allen 21:00 Michelstraat Velswijk)

Love rescue me u2